Our address is:


2 Fox Hollow Dr.

Upper Tantallon

Nova Scotia


B3Z 1E5

Phone Number:

(902) 717-3387




Board of Directors:


Irving Abbott


Grant Feltmate


Glenda Jean


Rob Pattison


Sandra Pattison








































































 Street Connection  Children's Ministry  Bus Renovation  About Us

Soup Recipe  Free Curriculum  Newsletters  The Founder

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The Street Connection Mobile Soup Kitchen provides food to low income families in the Halifax Regional Municipality of Nova Scotia, Canada.  The majority of those we serve are children. Street Connection operates under Bread of Life Ministries Association.  The Association was established in 1992 by former Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer Rob Pattison and his wife Sandra.  Motivated by their Christian faith, the Pattison's saw a need to help people in the Halifax area.  Bread of Life Ministries is a registered non-profit, non-denominational, Christian charitable organization.   We do not receive government support.  We rely on donations from individuals, companies, foundations, service organizations and churches.

Financial donations can be sent to the address on the left.  We issue tax receipts for donations made in Canada.  Cheques can be made payable to "Street Connection" or "Bread of Life Ministries".  Online donations can be made by pressing on the "Donate" button below:

Donate Now Through CanadaHelps.org!



Street Connection Schedule

Monday - 7 p.m. - Corner of Lynnett Rd. & Forbes St.

Tuesday - 7 p.m. - McAlpine Dr., Bayers/Westwood

Wednesday - 7 p.m. - Jarvis Lane, Mulgrave Park

Thursday - 7 p.m. - Greystone Drive, Spryfield

Each week, with the exception of the last week of the month, we distribute soup, sandwiches, bagels, yogurt, cheese strings and apple juice to consume at the bus or take home.  We also distribute loaves of bread.  The Street Connection does not operate during the months of January and July.




2019 Chev Express Extended Van Donated

We would like to thank the following Halifax companies who have generously provided a 2019 van for us to use:


Edmonds Landscape and Construction Services Ltd.

Hillcrest Volkswagen

Landmark Management

Micco Companies Ltd.

O'Regan's National Leasing

Steele Auto Group

Touch of Gold


The van is used to pick up food  supplies for distribution on the Street Connection Bus.  It is also used as an alternate vehicle when we are not able to operate the bus for various reasons.